quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

Excellent Elements In Fifa 10 League For An Enjoyable Experience

A new entrant in the circles of football video gaming is bent to provide football fans with a real football experience with fifa 10 league version. The version comes under the EA's fifa series and captures the details of the real football game, the players, club management and game venues. The version can be hosted on most of the gaming gadgets and on most operating systems.

The main feature that makes this version different from the previous versions in the series is the manager mode. This feature bears the solutions to various challenges that the previous versions exhibited. The most changes can be noted in versions hosted in playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 modes. Players can control the operations of a participating club at the managerial level just like in real situation. The player determines transfers and sign-ups of players, can participate in drawing league tables and can access the details of external leagues. The player has an option of engaging an assistant team manager to handle the internal activities of the club such as drawing line-ups for different matches both in the league and in friendly matches designed to strengthen the team in anticipation of league title matches.

Just like in the real football management, teams can be classified in terms of team capabilities and the form of the players. This reflects the real situation with stronger teams taking the leadership in the league down to weaker teams who face the risk of relegation. The player can virtually manage his team by changing the playing style, the player's positions and naming the line-up for each game. He can decide who to start a game with or who to bench in the light of the importance of the game at hand and the successive games. This option determines how much the board of directors and the team sponsor are willing to allocate for the budget. Transfers are controlled by the amount of money the board allocates for this purpose thus, creating an authentic process. The team manager makes proposals on the players he is interested in and transfers fund when he signs in the player.

The game has various options for developing players rating through experience and performance during the league games. The manager mode enables the player to monitor the success path of a player on the basis of his accomplishments in the league games. The level of evaluation has been extended to include mental and physical abilities in addition to the player's prowess in the game.

The player can create a footballer with the virtual pro feature. Another feature is the game face which allows the player to create a game face character who can play in Fifa club's mode. Fifa 10 league features fifty stadiums in Europe with weather conditions ranging from night and day versions, rainy, snowy and cloudy conditions. There is a special option in the main menu that allows the player to change the name of the stadiums to match their club's home with adjustments to meet the actual stadium capacity.

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